Women in MR Award 2019
The aim of the Women in MR Award is to encourage female MR researchers to boost their career opportunities by proving additional funding to perform innovative research ideas. This is not limited to salary only, but could also cover costs related to materials, courses or collaborative efforts abroad. What is important, is that the funds will significantly contribute to your career prospects.
The project is sponsored through an NWO Aspasia grant* to the Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging. Applications for ‘non-neuro’ projects are definitely welcome, but in case of equal jury scores, neuroimaging will be the preferred application.
*for more details see https://www.nwo.nl/onderzoek-en-resultaten/programmas/aspasia.
Information about the general procedure for the challenges can be found here.
You can download the application form for the Women in MR Award 2019 here.
Specific requirements
- The applicant must be a female scientist in MRI or NMR, as verified by her publication record.
- The budget is 25.000 euro and needs to be spent on research initiated by the candidate, which will allow her to significantly further her career in MR (for example through enabling a Veni/Vidi/ERC grant application).
- The research has to be conducted at a Dutch University or Research Institute.
- The proposal contains the following parts:
- Proposal (max 1 page, including images/figures)
- What is your idea? (project description, research question, hypothesis etc.)
- Motivation (max 1 page)
- 1 Why is your idea original?
- 2 How would this grant help you to develop your career?
- How are you going to perform your research? (max 1 page, including images)
- 1 Time schedule
- 2 Facilities needed
- 3 Budget
- Personal details (max 1 page) in a separate file
- 1 Personal details
- 2 Description of current research and former experience
- Reviewers will score on:
- Originality
- Feasibility
- Motivation of career opportunities
- Proposal (max 1 page, including images/figures)